Easy Pc Hacks You Should Try! 

Easy Pc Hacks You Should Try! 

We all have that one friend who is always a step ahead of the latest tech news. They know about the newest iPhone, they’re plugged into all the latest apps, and they even know what’s coming out next year. But there’s another type of friend: the one who understands how computers work on an intimate level and can help you make your PC hacks faster, more secure, and more private. Don’t worry if you don’t feel like either type yet! These easy hacks will turn you into a bona fide tech pro in no time at all.

Make Your PC Faster

  • Use a SSD drive. A solid-state drive (SSD) is much faster than a traditional hard disk and will make your easy pc hacks feel snappier. If you’re looking for an upgrade, we recommend the Samsung 970 EVO Plus, which costs around $250 for 1TB of storage.
  • Clean up your PC regularly. You should clean up your PC once every few months–the longer you wait to do it, the more likely it’ll be that some files become corrupted or fragmented over time. To keep yourself organized and prevent this from happening too often, create folders within each drive that can hold all of its contents separately from one another when needed; otherwise everything will just get mixed together in one big mess! That way when something goes wrong with one part of your machine’s operation system (OS), only those specific files would need fixing rather than having everything else affected by them too.”

Keep Your Files Safe

  • Use a password manager.

A password manager is an app or service that stores all your passwords in one place, so you don’t have to remember them all yourself. Some even generate strong passwords for you, automatically updating them when they expire or change. This can be extremely useful if you’re using the same password across multiple accounts (which we advise against).

  • Back up your files regularly.

If something happens to your computer–whether it’s damage by accident or malicious intent–it’s good practice to keep copies of important files somewhere else: on an external hard drive or cloud storage service like Dropbox; on another device like an old laptop; and/or printed out on paper at home or at work if possible (if not, there are ways around this). If nothing else, keep copies of photos taken with digital cameras outside of their original location so that if something happens with those images too then at least someone will still have copies somewhere else!

Stop Spam Calls And Emails

One of the most annoying things about having a smartphone is receiving spam calls and emails. There are several ways you can stop this from happening, but they all involve some amount of effort on your part:

  • Don’t answer calls from numbers you don’t recognize. If someone calls and hangs up, or if it’s a robocall, just hang up! Don’t even let them know that someone is on the line (unless it’s an emergency).
  • Don’t open emails from unknown senders. Delete those messages without reading them–they’re probably full of viruses anyway!
  • Don’t click on links in emails unless they were sent directly by someone whose email address you trust 100%. Even then, proceed with caution before clicking anything; there might be malware lurking within those links waiting to infect your computer when clicked upon by unsuspecting users like yourself! Also remember that many phishing scams rely on tricking people into giving away personal details like credit card information through fake forms which look authentic when viewed over email but actually lead somewhere else entirely once entered into by an unsuspecting victim who thinks they’re dealing directly with whoever issued said form originally (for example: Amazon). So always double check URL addresses before filling out forms online – especially if they seem suspicious.”

Be More Productive

  • Set a specific time for work and for play.
  • Use a to-do list to keep track of your tasks, so you can focus on completing them one at a time instead of letting them pile up in your mind.
  • Set timers to help you stay focused during work sessions; this will also prevent procrastination by giving yourself time limits on specific tasks (e.g., “I’ll do this report for 30 minutes”). 
  • Keep your phone away from your desk when working on projects that require concentration and attention to detail (like writing), especially if the notifications are distracting or addictive!
  • Set up a workspace that is conducive to productivity: remember that it doesn’t have to be fancy–a simple setup can work wonders!

Protect Your Privacy Online

  • Use a VPN to protect your privacy online. A VPN (virtual private network) is a service that encrypts all of the data traveling between your computer and the internet, making it difficult for hackers to steal information or track what you’re doing online. It also allows you to pretend to be in another country when using certain websites, which can help if you’re worried about government surveillance or censorship laws in some regions of the world.
  • Use a password manager so that no one else can access your accounts if they get hold of your login credentials (and especially not if they get hold of them from somewhere like LinkedIn).
  • Two-factor authentication provides an additional layer of security by requiring both something only available on your device (like an SMS) as well as something only known by you (like a PIN code). This means that even if someone were able to steal or guess one credential–whether through phishing schemes or other means–they wouldn’t be able to use it without also possessing access to another piece of information belonging solely unto themselves; thus rendering them unable either way!


With these easy pc hacks, you can make your PC a better place. You’ll be more productive and protected from spam calls and emails. Plus, your files will be safer than ever before!